Monday, August 17, 2009

The weekend is over already?!?!

I feel like the weekends are not even close to long enough. I think Saturdays and Sundays might actually be shorter than every other day of the week!

Friday night I had an amazing time in Auburn. I got to see so many people I haven't seen in forever. I saw some of the Farmhouse boys (love them), some of my DZ friends, Elizabeth and Caleb, Jessica AND of course my family!

We met up downtown and had to make our normal stop at Bodega. (I miss Wednesday night drink specials!) We also hit up 1716, In Italy, Little Italy, and had to end the night at Sky Bar. The bars were fun, but a little more crowded than I usually care for. We had a good time regardless.

Saturday, Mom and I got up early and went shopping for furniture. I found the perfect bedroom set. I'm absolutely in love. Am I old enough to fall in love with furniture?! We went to a really small furniture store in Auburn, well Tuskegee (Jackson Furniture). They always have the best deals on furniture and there it was! Of course it wasnt set up (If you have ever been to this place, you would understand). I got the pricing from them and then headed to a bigger furniture store to see it all set up! I totally fell in love with it after seeing the whole thing set up! My first big purchase as an Auburn Alum! I'm so excited to see it all set up in my room!

I drove home to Atlanta Saturday afternoon and spent the eventing with some friends of mine. Had an awesome time!

Sunday I lounged, napped and lounged. I did get a work out in, between the napping and lounging though! I'm sticking to my plan, so far so good!

With the changes in my living arrangements and just a necessary revamp, I have been working on a budget for myself. I read in Glamour (I know the perfect mag for budget advice right?) that I should allocate 60% of my income to fixed expenses (rent, insurance, car payment, etc), 30% to living expenses (food, gas, etc.) and 5-10% in savings. I'm going to do my best to do this. After taking a look at my past couple months, I found I have wasted so much money on random crap and I eat out WAY too much. I'm going to change this immediately! I'm giving myself a set amount of money for food (one set for groceries one for eating out at restaurants) and when that money is gone it's gone. Hopefully I learn to spend my money much more wisely.

I made a nice little excel spreadsheet to try and help me track my money. Hopefully this works out, cant really afford for it not to I guess.

This week will hopefully fly by!

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