Thursday, January 26, 2012

Feeling the blues

I'm in need of some support. I've just been down in the dumps lately about no one thing in particular, just in general.

I've noticed my attitude has been nothing but negative in way too many places in my life. Of course, work brings it out the worst, but I have also noticed it in conversations with friends and just general outlook on lots of different things.

It's even messing with my workouts. I have just been so stressed that I don't even want to push myself to run. I need to learn what it is like to channel my negative energy into exercise. Cause right now, if I could figure out how to do that, I could probably run the whole half marathon without even getting slightly tired.

I just need some prayers that this bad mood will go away and I'll be back to normal so I can be a better employee, better runner, and most importantly a better friend.

Auburn this weekend should definitely help, I miss home and my family so I'm excited to get to spend some time with them while I celebrate the marriage of my friend Kelly Adams! With the combination of my favorite things, Auburn, family, friends and weddings, surely my mood will take a turn for the best.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Running this week 7 miles already (I did 5 last night, so excited, but today my legs are hurting)

Biking 17 miles this week (I go again tomorrow and then of course this weekend.)

Hoping to get to atleast 15 miles running and 40 miles biking for this week. We will see.

This is fun.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Running Update

So I hit my first milestone last night...

For those of you who run regularly this will not seem like a big deal, but with my history of running and my lack of motivation to keep going, this was certainly a step in the right direction for me.

Last night, for the first time ever in my whole life, I ran 3 mile without stopping once. I did not walk, I did not even feel like walking. I felt great and was breathing normal and found a pace that works for me.

Unfortunately my pace isn't exactly where I want to be when I run the half marathon, but right now it is comfortable and I am able to sustain it.

I am such a proud little trainee at this point and can't wait to see what 6 miles feels like, hopefully sooner rather than later.

In addition to the half marathon and the 60 mile bike ride training, I have now somewhat committed to do an Iron girl end of May in Atlanta. Guess I should add swimming to my workout rotation. I'm so excited to see if I can keep this up!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 1

So in an effort to be half-marathon ready I started running today. Since I am just now getting back into the swing of things I decided a 2 miles run would be ok for now. I did this on my lunch break... it is now 3:30 and my legs already hurt.

This is going to be a long 4 months.

114 days to go. I do not plan to update you everyday, dont worry. Maybe a weekly update will be better, but I wanted to note how I started and watch my own progress as the weeks go by.

I'm hoping the pain subsides some and the runs get easier. I'm also hoping to begin to enjoy the process more. Do any of my running friends have some advice for me?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's Official

In order to actually keep my resolution this year, I have officially signed up for my first (and maybe only) half-marathon!

I will be running the St Jude Country Music Half Marathon in Nashville,TN April 28th!

Right now I am so excited, but once the training starts (as in today) I may hate my life.

If you want to run with us, please do! Below is the link to the registration and there is a $10 discount code (use CMMCLUB). We are figuring out accomodations etc later, but we could all stay together! Let me know


New Years Resolutions

So this year for New Years I decided why not just come up with some New Years Resolutions that I may or may not follow. I have to start somewhere so this year, this is my plan.

1) Get into better shape.
I've never been much for working out and I kind of eat whatever I want so its needless to say that I am not in the best shape. Which goes to prove that thin does not mean you are in good shape. I want to workout more, eat better and just feel good. I think I can probably do that.

2)Going along the same lines as the 1st one, i wanted to set myself a specific challenge, something I would never have considered before. So at some point later this year, I want to run a half marathon. If you have heard me talk about running before you have heard me say if it is longer than 3 miles I would rather get in the car and drive there, I guess in 2012 I will have to change that theory.

3)Finances, I feel like no matter what, I will never be thrilled enough with the way I handle my finances. This year I'm putting myself on a stricter budget and actually sticking to it. Hopefully.

4)Really think about what I want to do with my future. Lately I've been having a quarter (almost) life crisis and trying to figure out what I really want to do with my life. Do I want to go back to school? Do I want to stay in the same field? Do i want to do something totally different? I have lots of thinking to do.

5)Listen to full sentences (before getting upset) and not picking fights (usually done when I have been drinking). Maybe I should just stop drinking and that may help. Either way, I want to be more patient and willing to listen before casting a judgment.