Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another Auburn Weekend

I spent another weekend in dear 'ol Auburn this past weekend. I wasnt planning to go back home, but after my ordeal with getting tv again, I decided I would rther go home and watch the game than to sit in Atlanta and not be able to watch anything. (more to come on that)

Anyways I spent the weekend with the parents. I mentally was not prepared to head to the bars and fight all the crowds that tend to form during football season. So mom and I did some shopping, bought some of the little things I needed for the house. I went to the game on Saturday with an old friend and had a good time. I swear I've decided that so long as I dont get too excited at the games, Auburn plays well. So I'm going to try to tone down my enthusiasm despite how hard it is! Either way, Auburn won! And the score totaled more than 5 points this year! I was so proud!

Now about my tv, DISH was supposed to come out and install on Thursday. Well, since where I live is surrounded by trees, the satellites were blocked and we cannot get it anymore. (the DISH people are so nice and I wish the trees werent there so we could have them. They even offerend to come out and cut downs ome of our trees!) But we didnt want them to have to do that, so we are still TVless. Comcast is taking their sweet time coming to the house too. The promised to come by on Sunday (my roommate even called them and they told her someone was on the way). Well it is now Tuesday and we still have not seen them. Those people will lie straight to your face. Anyways we are set up to have them come by on Thursday (we will see if this actually happens or not). I'll keep you updated. I think Comcast needs to hire some new PR people to turn around the terrible customer service reputation. Or they could actually try to change their customer service.

My roommate is now back from Ireland and the dogs have officially met. Nancy wasnt home when I got back to Atlanta but I heard Watson (the dog) downstairs. He was in his crate so I just took Maggie (my dog) down there. Oh goodness, I thought he was going to eat her. He was not loving that situation at all. So I took Maggie back upstairs and then went to introduce myself to the dog first. He was probably terrified that there was a new person and dog that he had never seen before. Anywho, I got acquainted with him and then put him on a leash and brought Maggie back down (I figured Maggie listens to me so there was no need to have her on a leash). This time the meeting went a lot better. Maggie was a little scared at first, but now they are good friends, constantly playing. It's so nice to have a friend for Mags still.

Well this weekend I am staying in town (I think) and hopefully doing something fun. But next weekend I will e back on the Plains! This time with some of my graduate friends! Cannot wait to see everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    I agree, we do have work to do in regards to improving customer service, and we've committed to doing just that. My name is Detreon Roberts and I'm with the digital outreach team here at Comcast. We'd like to look into the experience that was provided as well as get the taken care of for you. Please email us at We_Can_Help@cable.comcast.com and we will get this right. Be sure to include a good number to reach you and a link to this blog.


    Detreon Roberts
    National Customer Operations
