Monday, August 23, 2010

Budgeting problem

I have a problem. I find way to much joy budgeting and rebudgeting and then budgeting my money again. I'm not doing this because I'm overspending, I keep doing it to ensure that I am not missing something or overusing in places that I shouldn't.

I always start my month (or the month before) planning my month out. I immediately take out thing I know I have to pay (rent, car insurance, cell phone, credit card, furniture, savings)(health insurance and 401K are taken out of my check automatically so I dont even think about those). After all that I will budget my remaining money for monthly needs. These categories include (gas, food (restaurants), shopping, groceries, alcohol (shrinking to minimal at this point) and other). Each month each of these things change depending on what is coming up. Like next month my "other" budget will be high because of football season and buying tickets. Gas is also going to be higher since I will be going back and forth to Auburn more often.

I've found that most of my money goes to eating out at restaurants. I don't even think I go out that often, but at the end of the month I look at all that money and am a little shocked. I have to work on that. I need to cook more often for sure.

While I have a good system going, I catch myself being lax on my budget sometimes. I'll buy something or go out to eat and just claim I'll take it from another category. It's so frustrating to me that I catch myself saying, oh it's ok I can just not do _______ so that I can do ________ knowing I will probably do both. I want to be more strict on my budget. I want to make sure I'm not wasting money and I'm saving enough.

I have a savings plan that I am developing and I have some work to do to get exactly where I want. Hopefully by putting out there for others to know about, I'll be much more likely to keep on track. Hopefully.

Happy Monday All!

10 days until the South Carolina Gamecocks play!
12 days, 8 hours until AUBURN TIGER FOOTBALL!!!!


  1. Budgeting... the story of my life!! :) Have you tried It is a great tool to help with budgeting. It has really helped me fine tune my budget!

  2. Budgeting is so hard! I am not enjoying it but know that once we get in a groove it will get better.

  3. I tried Mint and have signed up for it, but the bank I use isnt supported by it yet... ugh! So I am waiting for them to finally get it on there!
