Monday, August 30, 2010

While I have a moment

I figure since I have a moment now, I should go ahead and blog, it may be a while before I can blog again. My coming week is going to be jammed packed, and I need to get some work done before that week arrives.

My week ahead begins Friday (well Thursday night if you consider watching South Carolina's first game). Friday I am going home for FOOTBALL SEASON!!!!! YAY!!! It's finally game week! Friday to Monday I will be home since we have the day off on Monday for Labor Day. Not sure when I will be coming home Monday, but I'm hoping to get home sort of early so I can prepare for Charleston. Tuesday Morning I leave for Charleston (for a work sailing trip for Physician Advisory Board). We will be in Charleston until Saturday morning. Saturday morning I wake up and head to Columbia for the South Carolina vs Georgia game. I will finally be home on Sunday afternoon. Oh I am going to be EXHAUSTED, but I'm excited!

In other news, Jonathan and I went to this church service yesterday that was beyond weird. We usually go to NorthPoint Community Church and 100% normal church, but this week his mom's friends, friend was speaking at World Harvest Church in Roswell so we went. When we were pulling in I asked what denomination the church was, and was told it was non-denominational. Now thats a lie if I ever heard one, is complete lie a denomination cause this "church" would fall into that category.

The service started normal, where he talked about the story of Moses, etc. Then the strangeness happened. This man was crazy. Tim Storey was his name. He started calling people to the front who were hurting from one ailment or another and placed his hand on their heads and "cured them" causing them to faint (well some of them). Now I know the power of prayer can heal and do miracles, I know there have cancers have disappeared miraculously, etc. Are their extreme cases were people have been healed by prayer on the spot, yes, but this was not one of those cases. There was no prayer, there was no mention of scripture, or teaching, or mention of God, there was hand placement and fainting. I do not believe that one man can tour the world and heal people on the spot, whenever he feels like, as if he is Jesus.

Tim Storey is not Jesus, he is not a Godly man at all. I sat their in disbelief. Staring at him as if he were crazy. He kept looking at us as if we were wrong for doubting him, as if he could convince me that the things he was claiming were the truth. He received no claps from me, no hallelujah, no praise at all, he recieved a blank stare, stares of disbelief, and a very uncomfortable demeanor. If I was a rude person I would have walked right out of that place after telling him that all of this was bogus. I'm mad at myself for not standing up and refuting what he was telling.

While the service was weird and wrong and pretty much the opposition of what the Bible teaches, I did learn something. I am stronger in my faith than I ever thought before. This man's absolute abuse of the bible and the complete blasphemy was so appauling to Jonathan and I that we were both almost speachless when we left. This man preys on the weak and uses God holy name to do what he called "supernatural healing". I am saddened that people were looking to this man for guidance, that people were beliving what he was saying, that they were buying into the complete lies.

I guess I have been sheltered in the past. I've gone to churches that follow the bible and use the bible to teach and not to deceive. I've always been interested in learning about other religions mostly so I can even more strongly defend what I believe.

How are people so easily deceived? How do they not know the truth? Why do they put their faith in a man and not in God? I'm praying for the World Harvest Church, the congregation and for Tim Storey. Lord let them see the light and let them put trust in you.

Yes I know divine healing occurs, but not this way.

Sorry this is so long! I had a lot of time to think about this and a lot of stuff to say.

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