Tuesday, April 26, 2011

If only you knew what you were getting into

Dear soon-to-be college grads,

I know it is so sad to be leaving college and exciting to be getting a big girl (or boy) job and finally facing the "real world" but every single tweet you tweet, or facebook post, or thing you say does not have to do with the fact that you are graduating.

I know it is exciting (trust me I was just as excited as you are), but leaving college, while a whole new chapter in life, is not exactly the most exciting thing in the world. Thankfully for you the economy has turned a little in the past year so there are some jobs, but let me tell you once you get that job it is the "beginning of the end" (as my dad would say). (I'm of course being dramatic).

I, unlike a lot of people I am friends with or graduated with or know, like my job. I enjoy the travel I get to do, I enjoy working with my clients, I enjoy doing what I can to make sure these groups are getting everything they need, I enjoy getting my paycheck every two weeks. However, I'm also in a field that I did not go to school for. I have not used public relations one time since I graduated. Yes I still write (usually in the form of an email), but most of the other stuff is long gone in my life.

I know looking for jobs is a pain and finding your "perfect job" seems impossible, but sit back and think, do you really know what your perfect job would be? Wouldn't it be better to get some experience and find out what you like and what you don't like. Trust me the things you think you like now may be your least favorite thing to do after you get out here into the real world. This may just be my experience, but I am not sure that anyone can really know what their dream job is. After a while, your only dream may be to sleep in on a weekday and not have to sit in your office or cubicle for another second.

Just enjoy your final week of college, and prepare yourself for the responsibility of life after school. Life after allowances from your parents. Life after lounging on the couch/pool chair all afternoon and taking random naps on any day. Oh and you should probably be ready to limit those crazy nights out in the middle of the week too, those aren't nearly as fun the next morning when you have to be at the office at 8 am. While life out here can be hard, and money can be tight, it's such a great feeling being independent and finally on your own. No matter how many money issues I have had in the past 2 years and 4 months, I would never go back to college (and yes I did love college). I've grown so much over that time that I would never want to take the step back and not be who I am today.

Best of luck in your future plans, in your job search, and in life. Your world is about to be so different, but oh so wonderful. Just make sure you appreciate what you have now and maybe tweet or facebook about something other than your upcoming graduation. :)

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